2014 Australia-Japan Relations Essay Contest for NSW and NT Secondary School Students - Results


The Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney is proud to announce the results of the 1st Australia-Japan Relations Essay Contest for New South Wales and Northern Territory Secondary School Students 2014.


This year's topics were as follows:

Junior Division:
1. Japan viewed from Australia OR
2. Both Australia and Japan are countries where people enjoy excellent cuisine. Which Japanese food do you think is most appealing to Australian people, and why? What Australian food would you introduce to Japanese people?

Senior Division:
Australia and Japan enjoy an excellent relationship. What could be done to develop better understanding and friendship between our two countries?

An awards ceremony is scheduled to be held in early 2015.


Thank you to all who entered. We plan to hold the contest again in 2015, earlier in the school year.


Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 contest!

Junior Division (Years 7 & 8)

First Ms Simone Cooper St Columba's Catholic College
Outstanding Mr Henry Donaldson Cranbrook School
Outstanding Ms Carey Guo North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Emily Cong North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Mr Geran Dunlop Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College
Highly Commended Mr Caleb Gill Cardiff High School
Highly Commended Ms Josephine Greenall-Ota Kambala
Highly Commended Mr Zaidyn Melrose Elderslie High School
Highly Commended Mr Ryan Nightingale St Columba's Catholic College
Highly Commended Ms Rutika Ranade Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Joyce Wang North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Jackie Yao North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Doris Zhang Sydney Girls' High School


Listed in alphabetical order within each prize category

Senior Division (Years 9 - 12)

First Ms Emily Kim North Sydney Girls' High School
Outstanding Mr Luke English Central Coast Grammar School
Outstanding Mr James Patterson Christian Brothers High School Lewisham
Highly Commended Mr Darius Dorranian Holy Cross College
Highly Commended Ms Isabel Fang Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Bora Hyoung North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Yasmine Johnson North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Mr Joel Kennaway NT Open Education
Highly Commended Ms Ivy Loncar Randwick Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Vivien Thuy Nguyen Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Karin Nishimuta-Jang North Sydney Girls' High School
Highly Commended Ms Jasmine Rou Kambala
Highly Commended Ms Amy Zhu Sydney Girls' High School


Listed in alphabetical order within each prize category


School of the Year 2014

North Sydney Girls' High School Congratulations!


The Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney wishes to the thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the First Australia-Japan Relations Essay Contest for NSW and NT Secondary School Students 2014.

Major Sponsors

Japan Airlines logoJTB Australia logo



Kinokuniya logo